All the Fun Stuff to Do in Mozambique

In addition to diving and fishing, Mozambique's coastline is an ideal place for a wide range of water-sports, while its rugged inland will appeal to lovers of the outdoors.

Horse Riding

There are numerous opportunities for equestrian activities, especially on the major islands where there are special horse trails.

See Where to stay to horse ride in Mozambique


Unlike surfing and snow boarding, sand boarding is easy to learn and readily accessible to beginners so an adrenaline surge is just a slide away.

See Where to stay to dune sand-board in Mozambique

Quad Biking

Trails twist and wind through the sand and bush, offering climbs, descents and flat-out straights. There are other routes for the less daring.

Sea Kayaking

Paddle next to ancient dhows and dugout canoes as you explore the islands, Lake Niassa or the Bazaruto or Quirimbas Archipelagos.

See Where to stay to sea kayak in Mozambique


Canoeing, sailing, surfing... you name it, it happens along the coast and on lakes in the interior. Surfing hot spots are Ponta do Ouro and beaches close to Inhambane.

See Where to stay for watersports in Mozambique

Mozambique Holiday Lodges and Vacation Packages
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