Mozambique Birding Hotspots

Mozambique currently has more than 600 recorded bird species and around 500 species which breed in the country. If you are looking for a Mozambican birding adventure, this is the place! Mozambique is largely unexplored in ornithological terms.

After years of civil war, the tourism industry in Mozambique is just starting to take off but many areas remain off the beaten track. Intrepid travellers and eco-tourists will find this to be a truly exciting destination. The following is an outline of known hotspots for birding in Mozambique, per province from north to south, with ideas on what you can spot:

Niassa Province

Njesi Plateau - a remote Mozambican birding destination, forested plateau north of Lichinga and home to the endangered Long-billed Tailorbird, also the African Tailorbird usually found in Tanzania only.

Spot: African and Long-billed Tailorbirds, Stierling's Woodpecker, Orange Ground-Thrush, Evergreen-Forest Warbler, Olive-headed and Bertram's Weavers, White-tailed Blue Flycatcher

Zambezia Province

Mount Namuli - extremely scenic area with montane forest / grasslands, tree ferns and orchids, home to a rare species only found here in the world, the Namuli Apalis.

Spot: Dappled Mountain-Robin, Cholo Alethe, Namuli Apalis, Bar-tailed Trogon, Green Barbet, Red-rumped Swallow, Olive-flanked Robin-Chat, Evergreen-Forest Warbler, Eastern Double-collared Sunbird and Bertram's Weaver

Manica Province

Mount Tsetserra - beautiful and pristine forested peak along the Zimbabwe border (Chimanimani Mountains) with miombo woodland and montane forest / grasslands, overlooking the Chicambe Dam.

Spot: Chirinda Apalis, Roberts's Warbler, Rufous-bellied Tit, Orange Ground-Thrush, White-starred Robin, Red-faced Crimsonwing, Olive Bush-Shrike, Spotted Creeper, Lemon Dove

Sofala Province

Save Woodlands - magnificent coastal woodland and wetlands including sandy rivers, lakes and marshland, estuaries, lagoons, mangroves and beaches.

Spot: Grey-headed Parrot, Brown-headed Parrot, Thick-billed Cuckoo, Racket-tailed Roller, Mangrove Kingfisher, Broad-billed Roller and Mosque Swallow, Madagascar Pond Heron, Rufous-bellied Heron, African Pygmy Goose, Lesser Jacana, Yellowbill, Narina Trogon, Western Nicator, Eastern Bearded Scrub-Robin, Green-capped Eremomela, Red-faced Crombec, Pale Batis, Livingstone's Flycatcher, Gorgeous Bush-Shrike, Plain-backed, Neergaard's Purple-banded Sunbird, Chestnut-fronted / Red-billed Helmet-Shrikes, Thick-billed Cuckoo, African Cuckoo Hawk, Dickinson's Kestrel

Mount Gorongosa and the National Park - on the mountain, montane forest / grasses and lowland woodlands.

Spot: Pallid Honeyguide, Green-headed Oriole, Swynnerton's Robin, Chirinda Apalis, African Moustached Warbler, Magpie Mannikin, Lesser Seedcracker

National Park, Palm woodlands, miombo woodlands, marshland and lakes.

Spot: African Skimmer, Long-toed Lapwing, Greater Painted-Snipe, Collared Pratincole, Grey Crowned Crane, Great White Pelican, Pink-backed Pelican, Moustached Grass-Warbler, Black-and-white Flycatcher, Collared Palm-Thrush, Palm-nut Vulture, Mascarene Martin, Lemon-breasted Canary

Rio Savane - marshland, grassland, coastal forest, mangrove forest, beach and open sea north of Beira.

Spot: African Blue Quail, Lesser Black-winged Lapwing, Locust Finch, Mangrove Kingfisher, Short-tailed Pipit

Zambezi Delta - untouched coastal forest as well as miombo woodland, pans and swamps.

Spot: White-chested Alethe, East Coast Akalat, African Pitta, Black-and-white Flycatcher, Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo, Madagascar Cuckoo, Mascarene Martin, Southern Banded Snake-Eagle, Palm-nut Vulture, Chestnut-fronted Helmet-Shrike, Anchieta's Tchagra, Wattled Crane, African Skimmer, Plain-backed Sunbird

Inhambane Province

Panda Woodlands - threatened Miombo woodland / thicket and the only home of the Olive-headed Weaver south of the Zambezi River.

Spot: Mascarene Martin, Southern Hyliota, Red-faced Crombec, Neergaard's Sunbird, Olive-headed Weaver, Black-eared Seedeater

Bazaruto Archipelago, Vilanculos, Inhassoro - great coastal and inland habitats with migratory shorebirds on the intertidal flats.

Spot: Crab-plover, Lemon-breasted Canary, Madagascar Bee-eater, Mascarene Martin

Maputo Province

Maputo Special Reserve (Maputo Elephant Reserve) - scenic habitat types include tall sand forest, riverine woodlands, open grassland, marshlands, freshwater lakes, lagoons and sea shore.

Spot: Neergaard's Sunbird, Spotted Ground-Thrush, Pink-throated Twinspot, African Broadbill, Eastern Nicator, Livingstone's Turaco, Southern Banded Snake-Eagle, Rosy-throated Longclaw, Black-rumped Buttonquail, Denham's Bustard and Chestnut-banded Plover

Inhaca Island - good birding in its mangroves, freshwater swamps, mudflats and dune forest.

Spot: Osprey, Sooty Falcon, Greater Sand Plover, Yellowbill, Mangrove Kingfisher, Eastern Olive Sunbird

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